Welcome to Angel Public School


Angel Public School was established on 01 April 2012 under NIKHIL MEMORIAL SOCIETY registered at registrar office Agra, We started co-education in the medium of English by skilled teachers under the ecofriendly atmosphere in a large campus of the school with all the facilities.

We value the pursuit of academic excellence, all round development, the achievement of the individuals potential and contributions to the community.

School Mission Statements

Where Is Your School Going? What is your school’s mission? If you have to search through your handbook or you can’t recall the entire lengthy statement, you probably aren’t making the most of your school’s mantra. How can you make your mission statement more meaningful? Bring it into the classroom and give it vision! Included: Tips for keeping the mission statement alive once it’s written.


First and foremost I am thankful to the almighty God who put his hands of blessing on my head to initiate the seed of education and further to the people of the region who co-operated and supported me to mould the raw structure into beautiful shape of intelligence, awareness and talent in the form of students. The aim of my school is to develop all positive attitude and wake up all hidden sleeping art and interest. I am developing the nursery with the dream that they will bloom one day as daffodils on the peak of mountains to become the attraction of the people standing below.

I hope you will support me as you have been doing the same and I shall be ever thankful to you for this act of belief in me.



Science Lab

Experienced Teaching Staff

Computer Lab

Modern Library


The aim of my school is to develop all positive attitude and wake up all hidden sleeping art and interest. I am developing the nursery with the dream that they will bloom one day as daffodils on the peak of mountains to become the attraction of the people standing below.


I hope you will support me as you have been doing the same and I shall be ever thankful to you for this act of belief in me.Thanks.




MRS. Brijesh Kumari